Watervliet Paper Mill


The flow of the Paw Paw River powered the earliest lumber mills near this site with the help of dams by the late 1830s and local timber was depleted after a few decades. A brick paper mill was built on the former site of a saw mill and first began operating in 1894, but was closed by 1905. The Watervliet Paper Company was formed in 1910, primarily by Kalamazoo investors. The paper mill here was considered “one of the best constructed plants ever erected” in Michigan, so it was re-opened with renovations and new state-of-the-art machinery. In 1912, the Watervliet Paper Company (WPC) began making fine glossy or “coated” paper products. A rail spur connected the paper mill to the railroad in town, allowing the WPC to easily bring in pulp sources and ship out its finished products.

WPC quickly gained a reputation for quality and consistency. Paper made in Watervliet was used around the nation as catalog covers, including Sears, Roebuck, & Co., as well as labels and wrappers in goods such as Wrigley’s Gum, Campbell’s Soup and Kodak Film. The mill also produced U.S. postage stamps and large amounts of playing cards. Hundreds of workers drove the success of WPC-in 1960 the payroll included 470 employees. It was not only the area’s largest employer, its significant contributions to local taxes helped fund the fire and police services, schools and the hospital in Watervliet. WPC sponsored leisure activities like baseball and bowling teams, musical groups, an employee newsletter, annual parties and social events. The paper mill shaped everyday life for local residents and generations of workers.

Throughout its early history the paper mill was powered by a combination of water wheels and steam engines, and used large amounts of river water for paper making. In 1973 the mill introduced a new water use and recycling system that prevented any further impact on the Paw Paw River. WPC became a part of Hammermill Paper in 1956, then it changed hands again four times after 1974. The paper mill produced its last paper in 1994 and was demolished in 2002, ensuring the total clean-up of hazardous wastes at the site. The historic dam structures remained in place until 2011, when the natural flow of the Paw Paw River was restored.

Mill Employee List

Percy Abbott

John M. Ackerman

Milford Ackerman

Paul Ackerman

Esther Achorn

Robert G. Adams

Jerry Admave

Joan Admave

Reginald Admave

Jerry Alexander

Charles Allen

Linda Ament

Larry Anchor

Dorothy Anderson

Douglas Anderson

Timothy Anderson

William Anderson

James Andres

Judy Andres

Randy Antio

George Apple

Roger Applegate

Grace Mann Berchin Armstrong

Myrl Arnold

Gilbert Arrans

Beverly Atherton

Harvey Atherton

Robert Atherton

William Atherton

Patrick Aviles

Timothy Axsom

Anthony Azzarola

Richard Bachman

David Backus

Elsie Backus

Fred Backus

Fred Bahrenburg

Beryl Bailey

Lester Bailey

Francis Bailey

Mildred Bailey

Ralph Bailey

Roy Bailey

Irma Sieber Baker

John Baker

Ronald Baker

Dennis Bakken

chuck bailey

James B. Balch

Severens Balch

Don Baldwin

emzley baldwin

Laura Baldwin

Richard Baldwin

otis baldwin

Sharon Bale

Alma Bandurske

Edward Bandurske

Don BanE

Walter Barchet

Carmen Barchett

Jasper Barker

Vernon Barker

Suszanne Barnak

Pat Barrett

Jane Bates

Paul Bates

Robbie Bates

Nelson Baumeister

Lillian Beam

Berl Beavers

Ingar Becht

Garland Beck

Jeanette Beck

Melvin Beck

Merlyn Beebe

Lester Beeman

Milton Beeson

Joseph “Joe” Berchin

Bobby Berry

Paul Berry

Malcolm Bertorelli

Herman Bettig

Roger Bettig

Frank Bielby

Wayne Bigelow

Carole Birmele

Edward Birmele

Raymond Bisbo

Matilda Mensinger Bischoff

Augustus Bisbee

Nyle Bisbee

Chauncey Bishop

Lyman Bittner

Jim Blake

Clara Blanshan

Hubert W. Blevins

Mary Blevins

Vicki Blevins

Galen “Skip” Blough

Duane Bodfish

Clinton Bohannon

Laurence Boomer

Raymon Bowden

Dwight Boyer

Forest boyer

Gertrude Boyer

James Bradt

Cecil Branch

Lawrence Brassard

B. L. Brayton

Nicholas Breidinger

Nettie Stickney Brink

Charles Brock

Linda Brooks

Donna Brower

Kenneth Brower

Millard Brower

Lowell Brown

Verna Brown

Stanley Brown

Walter Brown

Wanda Brunner

Dean Brunt

Darold Budd

Tom Budd

Harold Bulger

Jack Bultema

Charles Bunn

Jerry Bunn

Joseph Bunn

Ross “Billy” Burger

Evin Burton

Robert Burnsworth

Harry Bushick

Lottie Bushick

John H. Calder

Kenneth Callahan

Henry Callard

Elmer Callender

Dorothy Mishler Camp

Ed Camp

Thomas Campbell

Primo Capovilla

Eleanor Caprez

Rodney Caprez

Anthony Carolla

Loretta Carmody

Robert Carmody

Anthony Carolla

Isaac Carpenter

William Carpenter

James Carter

Tim Carter

James E. Cartwright

James L. Cartwright

Nancy Cartwright

Michael Case

Carl Casey

Edward Casey

Ray Cerney

Robert Cerney

C. J. Chamberlin

Kenneth Chambers

Judon Chandler

Dessie Chappel

Steve Chappel

Eugene Chaput

Frances Chaput

Robert Chaput

Charles Chase

William Cheney

Richard Chernugel

Joseph Cheshire

Jerry Clark

Russell “Rush” Clark

Delores Classen

Raymond Classen

June Clauss

Charles Clay

Viola Clay

Dennis Clayton

Corydon “Butch” Clemens

Earl Clinard

Verl Cobb

William Cobb

Aaron Cobbs

Beverly Cole

Ray Cole

Kathleen Coleman

Thomas M. Collins

Ward Collins

Robert Comp

James D. Cook

Barlo Coon

James Cooper

Carol Cornell

Russell Cote

Duane Cowgill

Thomas Cowgill

Verlyn Cowgill

Joseph Crady

Kenneth Craig

Randy Craig

Sherry Craig

Fred Cretors

Edward Cripe

Delbert Cromer

Joe Cross

Larry Crowder

Mike Crowder

Albro Crumb

Arthur Crumb

Ralph Crumb

Floyd Curtis

Larry Curtis

Albert Dahmas

Buff Dale

Helen Dale

Lannie Damoth

Jay Daniels

Norman Daniel

Clarence Danneffel

Stanley Danneffel

Ward Danneffel

George Darling

George Darling, Jr.

Paul Darling

Thomas Darling

Clarence Daugherty

Mark Prescott Daugherty

Sherrian Daugherty

Thomas Daugherty

Alora Davis

George Davis

Howard Davis

Ida Davis

Leslie Davis

Lewis Davis

Linford Davis

R. William Davis

Darrell Day

Susan Day

Alfonzo Decker

Daniel L. Decker

Elmer DeFord

Terry L. DeFord

William DeFord, Jr.

Henry Dell

Laura Pumfery Dell

Norman DeLoach, Jr.

Floyd DeMars

Harold DeMay

Betty Diebold

Deborah Diebold

John Diebold

Kirk Diebold

Paul Diebold

Larry Dillenbeck

Max Dillenbeck

Carl Dixon

Carol Lange Dlouhy

Herbert Doberstein

Frank Dockter

Mike Dolezan

Patrick Dolph

Agatha Healy Donovan

Elaine Doornbos

Robert Dotson, Jr.

Michael Double

Woodrow Downey

David Downs

Avery Draime

William Drake

George Dublin

Vester Dublin

Keith Duffield

Russell Dunning

Robert Durfee

Audas L. Durflinger

Glenn L. Durflinger

Jonas W. Durflinger

Frances Dykas

Charles Edwards

Jerry Edwards

Joseph Eftink

James Eisbrenner

Lisa Elston

Paul Emerson

Franklin Emery

Melvin Emery

Thomas Emery

James Empson

John Empson

Joyce Empson

Arthur Enos

James Eubanks

Casey Evans

Joe Eveland

Ted Eveland

Reola Aldean “Dean” Evett

Herbert Faram

Joseph Salvatore Faraone

Sally Farley

Spencer Fay

William Fay

Dale Fenters

George K. Ferguson

Harold Ferguson

Richard Fester

Alden W. Field

Adolph Fietz

Harry Fietz

Efrain Figueroa

Chellace Fish

Roger Fisher

Merle Fitzpatrick

William Fizzell

Leonard Flagel

Robert Flagel

Chelmyrle Foltz

William Forbes

Dennis Forrester

Thelma Forrester

Richard Fox

Arthur Frank

Oscar Franklin

Johnnie Franks

Floyd Frazee

Art Frazier

Arvid Frazier

Thomas Frazier

Wilson Frazier

Donald Frazier

Nancy Frazier

Dorothea Freck

Val Friedrich, Jr.

Dan Frietas

Harriet Frietas

Pauline Frieze

Reinhold Frieze

Terry Fritz

Debra Fuller

Glenn Fuller

Harry Fuller

Harry F. Fuller, Jr.

John Fuller

John Fuller, Jr.

Robert G. Fuller

Michael Fullriede

William A. Furlan

C. Michael Gadberry

Regina Gagliano

Steve Gagliano

Roman Gajewski

Jordan Gallagher

Jorge Gallegos

Ila Gardner

Philip Gargano

Clayton Garrison

Rosella Gatchell

Edward Walter Gay

Paul Gay

Wayne Gay

Donald Gearing

Sherry Gifford

Donald Gibbs

M. Wayne Gilbert

John Giese

George Gillard

E. H. Gilman

Pete Giunta

Tim Gladysz

Henry Gnewuch

Jack Gnewuch

Bobby Godgiben

Dwayne Goodrich

Donnie Gordon

Loris Goss

Victor Granada

Danny Gray

Leslie Grays

Anthony J. Greco

Dominick Greco, Jr.

Lillian Greco

Joseph Greco

Tim Greco

Tom Greco

Tony Greco

Jerry Gregory

George Grenon

Mary Griffin

Robert Griffin

Kenny Groth

Laura Groves

Robert Gulliver

Thomas Gunter

John Gustafson

John Hadley

Richard Hall

Robert Hall, Jr.

Marjorie Halley

Lee Hamilton

Norman Hammons

Norman Hammons, Jr.

David Haney

Murl Haney

Wesley Haney

Frank Hanks, Jr.

Adolph Hann

Dorothy Hansen

Edward Harbin

Virgil Hardy

Robert Harkey

Dixie L. Harmon

Darleen Harper

Douglas Harper

Elizabeth Harper

Eugene Harper

George Harper

Leo Harper

Merlin Harper

Dale Harris

Dan Harris

dannie Harris

Della Harris

Doris Harris

Doyce Harris

Frank Harris

Ken Harris

Lee Harris

Russell Harris

Charles Hart, Jr.

Lindell Hart

Robert Harvey

Ronald F. Hauch

Bonnie Haus

Donald Haus

Charles B. Hays

Leo Healy

Ethel Hedlund

L.D. Heflin

Paul Heimsath

Claudia Heiser

Robert Henderson

William Hendricks

Jack Henry

Donald Hentschel

J. D. Hentschel

Mary Herman

Norman Hester

Ross Hicks

Dale Hill

Dwigh Herrick

Phillip Hild

William Hilliard

Grace Hinckley

Marion Hinton

Ruth Hinton

Dorothy Hoadley

Gerald Hoadley

Claud Hobson

John Hodge

John Hodge, Jr.

John Hodge III

Larry Hoenes

John Hoffman

Larry Holland

Robert Hogue

Edith Hondorp

Norman Horney

William Horney

Bobbie Horton

Dwight Horton

Harriet Hosang

William A. Houart

Roy Hough

Kenneth Howard

Laurence Howe, Jr.

Herbert Howell

John Howley

John R. Howley

Harvey Hoyt, Jr.

Kerry Haus

Vermon Haus

Charles Huckaba

Gary Huddleston

George Huffman, Jr.

Wilbur C. Hunting

Arthur Hupp

roswell hupp

Robert Huston

G. W. Hutchins

Jeffery Hutchins

Joe Hutchins

Robert Hutchins

William Hutchins

Charles A. Hyde

Harold Icenogle

Roger Igert

Deloris Iliff

Robert Iliff

Johnny Imler

Adeline Ishmael

Grace Ishmael

Lawerence Ishmael

Walter Ishmael

John E. Jaco

Kenneth Jacobs

Michael Jacobs

Michael A. Jacobs

Stanley Jackson

Thomas R. Jackson

Walter Jackson

Richard Jarvis

Robert Jarvis, Sr.

Robert Jarvis, Jr.

Michael Jennings

Niels K. Jensen

David Jinkins

David Johnson

Demarius Healy Johnson

Fred Johnson

James Johnson, Jr.

Jim Johnson

Lorraine B. Johnson

Ruth Johnson

Travis Johnson

Robin Jollay

Elna Jonas

Dale Jones

Paul Jones

Joseph Jordan

Thomas Jordan

Franklin Katje

John Kelemen

Dickie Keller

Eda Keller

Linda Kelley

Mark Kellogg

Clifford Kelly

Oliver Kelly

William Kelly

Porter Kendall

John Kendzior

Thomas Kendzior

Jerry Kern

Frank R. Kibler

Alleyne Kietzer

Carl Kietzer

Frances Kietzer

Gertrude Kilmark

Howard Kimball

S.B. Kimball

Richard Kimp

Ronnie V. Kinchen

Andrew “Andy” King

Buell King

Lucius King

Stanley King

Vick Kinzler

John Klann

Lori Klann

Claude Knapp

Regis Kniebes

Roger Knight

Roy Knight

Samuel Knight

Sherman Kniss

Cynthia Knuth

Leonard Kolberg

John Kolenko, III

John Kolenko, Jr.

Paul Kolenko, Sr.

Pete Koshar

Peter J. Koshar

Stanley Kowitz

James Kraklau

Carl Kreitner

Wayne Kreitner

William Kreitner

Eva Krenzien

Chris Krieger

George Krieger

Karen Krieger

Keith Krieger

Rod Krieger

Bertha Mensinger Kroening

Bill Kroening

Donald Krogel

Roy Kuehnle

Richard Lamb

Andrew Langston

Glenen Langston

Michael Langston

Paul Langston

John LaPlant

Aage Woodward Larsen

Wayne Larsen

Scott M. Larson

Bradley Latham

Billy Latham

Sherry Latham

Clara Sieber Latislaw

Stanley Laws, Jr.

Clarence Latislaw

Emil Laviolette

George Lawton

Phil Le Monte

Don Lea

Brian Lechenet

Ernest Lembke

F. A. Lemke

James A. Leonard

James N. Leonard

Nate J. Leonard

R. A. LeRoy

Kate Lewis

Fred Liebers

George Liles

Jimmy Liles

Adolph Lindemann

Donald Lindemann

C. B. Lindstron

Ernest Linton

Wayne Little Sr.

Pamela Lloyd

John Lockner

Alice Long

John “Jack” Long

Leon Long

Richard Long

Roscoe Long

Art Loomis

Carl Loomis

Harold Loomis

John Loomis

Lester loomis

Robert loomis

Robert t. loomis

Thomas Lopresti

Harold Lottridge

Jack Lottridge, Jr.

Walter Love

Robert Lovell, Sr.

Kenneth Lowe

Randy Lowe

Fred Lull

Hubert Lyle

Arlie Lynch

Darryl Lynch

James Lynch

James Lynch, Jr.

Patrick Lynch

Rodney Lynch Sr.

Arthur Franklin Martin Sr.

Dale Martin

Marsha Summerhill Maynard

Craig McClelland

George McCloud

Michael McCloud

Bob McConnell

Billy McCoy

Twila McGowan McCoy

Carl McCuan

David McFall

LeRoy McGath

Bill McGee

James McGee

Michael McGee

Thomas McGee

Millard McGowan

Addie McKean

Clay McKean

LeRoy McKean

Stanley McKean, Sr.

Stanley McKean, Jr.

Joe McKenzie

Dean McKinney

Ranse McKinney

Russell McNealy

Carl McNees

Charles McNees

Don McNees

James McNees

Leo McNees

Raymond McNees

Clinton McVay

Edward McVay

Joseph “gene” McVay

Mary McVay

robert mcvay

Woodrow McVay

Orville Maddox

Charles Mahoney

John Main

David Malaski

George Malaski

Benny Malin

Mark Maniscalco

Clyde Mann

Harold mann

Tereso Marin

John Marion

Mable Markillie

Daniel Marquis

Harold Martin

Rodney Martin

Evelyn Marvin

Mike Marvin

Bill Mashak

John Mashak

Keith Mason

John Matthews

Austin Meagher

Charles Meagher

Gary Meagher

Laura Meagher

Loyd  Meagher

Raymond Meagher

Dale Meahl

Rito Medellin

Floyd Medlock

Carlton Melton

Clyde Melton

Leroy Melvin

Richard Melvin

Sybil Mestre

Erbon Miles

Robin Mileski

Elbert Milham

A.L. Miller

Erving Miller

Ila Miller

Irving Miller

Lori Miller

Mark Miller

Mike Miller

Jeff Milliken

Allen Mingo

Marshall Minshall

William Mishler

Jackie Mitchell

James Mitchell

Lewis Mohler

Marguerite Mohler

Walter Mohler

August Montai

Clayton Moore

Edward Moore

Fulton Moore

Gary Moore

Norene Moore

Robert A. Moore

Rudolph Moore

Shirley Moore

Jerry Morgan

Anthony Morlock

Dorothy Morlock

Timothy F. Morlock

Lonnie Morris

Arthur Morsaw

Anthony Moscardelli

Vivian Muenchow

teresa mundt

Johnny Munjoy

Rube Munjoy

L. C. Munson

Ellon Murphy

VanEverett Murphy

Flossie Muth

Frances Muth

Jacob Muth

Ann Nadason

Melvin Nadason

Dan Najacht

John Neale

Denise nelson

Doreen Nelson

Richard Nelson

Robert nelson

Richard Nevins

Alma Newnum

Charles Newnum

Doris Newnum

Herman Newnum

Jane Newnum

Thomas Newnum

Wyoma Newnum

Harold Newton

Mary Niblett

Glen Nichols

Roy S. Nichols

Darlene Nimmo

Glenda Nimmo

Michael D. Nimmo

Linda Northrup

Sherman Norwood

Josephine Null

Mary Ochampaugh

Milton O’Flynn

Charles Oldham

Fred Olds

Kenneth Oliver

Marie Oliver

Paul Oliver

Carl Olmstead

Dennis Olmstead

Pamela Olmstead

James Olmsted

Theodore Olmstead

William Olmstead

William Olmstead, Jr.

Daniel Olson

Jack Olson

Presley Olson

Warren Omark

Lawrence O’Neil

Doris Oppenneer

Marion Ostruszka

Harvey Page

Donald W. Palmer

Carol Parker

Michael Parker

Raymond Parker

Virgil Parker

Henry Parnass

Oscar Parsons

Jimmie D. Paskel

Jimmie L. Paskel

John Pasquil

John Peacock

Debra Peek

Elmer Pelksey

Gordon Perry

Jeanette Peters

Richard Peterson

Ripley Peterson

Paul Pflugradt

Billie Phebus

Gary Phillipi

Charles Phillips

Darrell Phillips

George Phillips

James Phillips, Sr.

James Phillips, Jr.

Olive Phillips

Ronald E. Phillips

Ernest Philyaw

Joseph Philyaw

Robert Pierce

William Pino

Lewayne Pinyard

Fred Pockett

Lester "Lec" Polmanteer

Clarence Pomeroy, Jr.

Clarence Pomeroy III

John Pomeroy

Kenneth Pomeroy

Keith Pompey

Mike Post

Norma Hatfield Post

George Postelli

Jack Powers

Donald Pradon

Mario Preciado

James Pressley

William Price

George Gene Prince

Roger Prince

Laura Mae James Privett

Lester Pumfery

John A. Pyl

Jeffrey Queen

V. F. Quigley

Josh Quist

LeeRoy Rains

Charles Rapp

Dorothy Ray

Loyd Ray

Ronald G. Reed

Dan Seeley

William Reese

Fred Reeves

George J. Renner

William Rhinehart

Thomas Rhinehart

Terrance Rice

Leonard Richardson, Jr.

Norma Ricketts

Ronald Ricketts

Ronald Richmond

James Rider

Howard Rinker

Dave Rittcase

Grant Rittenburgh

Mackie Robbins

Rufus Robbins

Bobby Roberts

Gregory Roberts

Jerry Roberts

John Roberts

Maverine Roberts

Fred Robinson

Jerry Robinson

Michael Robinson

Richard Robinson

Harry Roemer

Alex Rogel

Chester Rogalski

Raymond Rogalski

Pauline Rogers

William Rogers

Donald Romeo

Billy Roper

Euwell Roper

Pete Roper

Kirke Roraback

Bartley Rose

Edith Rose

Edward Rose

John Ross

Mary Ross

Donald Rouse

Glenda Rowlee

Jack Rudell

Scott A. Ruelle

Henry Ruettinger

John Ruggio

Frank Runyon

Walter Russell

William Russell

Alvin Rutledge

James Rybarczyk

Stewart Ryland

May Rynberg

Rodney Ryno

Thomas Rzanca

Edwin SadleR

Minnie Sadler

William  Sadler

R. V. Sadler

Robert St. Marie

Manuel Salazar, Jr.

Ricardo Salinas

Gary Saline

Orville Saline

Robert Saline

Lucille sanders

Frank Sarsha

billy sarters

Ruby schadler

August b. scheid

Fred scheid

John Scheid

Joseph Scheid

Louis J. Scheid

Pete Scheid

Theodore J. Scheid

Tom Scheid

William H. Scheid

Charles Scherer

Joseph Scheuer

William Schilling

William Schilling, Jr.

David Schmidt

Justin Schnebly

Kenneth Schmidt

Michael Schmidt

Wilhelm Schmidt

Gary Scholl

Otto Schreiber

Louis Schroeder

Michael Schuemann

Robert Schuler

Norman Schultz

Raymond Schultz

Fred Schwake

Carl Schwerman

John Scott

Jack Scudder

Devon Selter

Floyd Selter

Robin Selter

Donald Selters

James Selters

Robert Selter

Lee Shadduck

Margaret Shadduck

Clayton Shafer

Melvin Shell

Denny Shelton

Clark Shimer

Donald Shimer

Earl Shimer

Olga Shimer

Pal Shinault

David Shuemake

Leo Shurr, Jr.

Dennis Sieber

Harold Sieber

Roy Siekmann

Nina Silhanek

Harold Simmons

Loren Simmons

Erv Skelly

Daniel Skinner

Albert Smith

Chester Smith

Claire Smith

Delphia Barnett Smith

Dennis Smith

Don Smith

Harold Smith

James M. Smith

James S. Smith

James W. Smith, Jr.

John Smith

Kenneth Smith

Leslie Smith

Oscar Smith

Ruth Smith

Dennis Soulard

Edward Soulard

Duane Spencer

Arthur Spearritt

lena spicer

Arthur Sprague

Elliott Spreen

Geraldine Spillers

Bob Stainbrook

Jean Stanford

Dale Stanley

Lyle Stanley

William Stanley

Flora Stedman

David Steele

David Steimle

Elmer Steimle

Clarence Steinhaus

Raymond Steinhaus

Rena Steinhaus

Tom Stennecke

Violet Stennecke

Marjorie Stewart

Owen Stewart

Milton Stibal

Jerry Still

Jim Still

Phillip Stillwell

David Stinton

Joe Stinton

Frank Stoklosa

Fred Stockton

Arthurt F. Stolle

Van Storick

Elwin Stowers

Loyd Strain

James Strand

Robert Strasburg

Dan Strong

William Strong

Lawrence Strouse

Marcia Strouse

Rebecca Strouse

Robert o. strouts

George Stuck

Richard Sult

Bobbie Summerhill

Joenell Summerhill

Randy Summerhill

Terry Summerhill

Walter Summerhill

David Summerton

Dennis Summerton

Dale Summers

Berry Sumners

Wilburn Sumners

Richard J. Sutter Sr.

Carl Swartz

Alfred Swetay

Rosemarie Swigart

Michael Swisher

William Syring

Daniel Tackett

Claude Tacy, Jr.

Daniel W. Tackett

Daniel B. Tackett

Alta Tacy

Bruce Tarantino

Gary Tarantino

James Tarantino

Billy Tate

Rebecca Tate

Samuel Tate

Lloyd Taylor

Merrill Taylor

Orell Taylor

William Taylor Sr.

William Taylor Jr.

Billy Teethers

John Terlisner

Justin TerMeer

Jerry Tessman

Arnold Thomas

O. Neal Thomas

Bobby Thornburg

William Thornton

Wayne Thumm

Terry Tibbs

Don Timmons

Irene Timmons

Sara Timmons

Vannie Timmons

Daniel Tobin

Alfred Tomsa

William N. Torp

Nina Tousain

Joseph Trainor

William Treakle

Barbara Tregoning

Richard Trelfa

Thomas Trux

Naomi Tuberville

Warren Tudor

Sven Tullberg

Darren Umphrey

Claude Unrath

Edgar Vanderboegh

Stella Vanderboegh

Edith Yates Van Drasek

George R. Van Drasek

Marien Yates Van Drasek

Herman VanHorn

Tom Van Niel

Bob Vassar

C. L. Vassar

Richard Vawter

Ronald Vawter

Russell Vawter

Joseph Vonderheid

David Waits

Ernest Wake

Donald Walantyn

Charles Walker

Noel Walker

robert gene wallace

robert handy wallace

Steve Wallace

William Wallace

LeRoy Ward

Alberta Warman

Dennis Warren

Howard Warren

Hugh Warren

Dennis Warsko

Douglas Warsko

Orville Warsko

Larry Watkins

Otto Watkins

Rex A. Watkins Sr.

Arthur Watson

Vaughn Watson

Jim Weaver

Florine Weber

Lawrence Weber

Scott Weberg

Robert Weise

Curtis Welty

Freda Welty

David Welty

Norman Welty

John Wesaw

Samuel Wesaw

Virginia Wesaw

Dorothy West

Kenneth West

Larry West

Regina West

Clarence Wherry

Lawrence Whitaker

Charles White

Charles White, Jr.

Robert White

Donald Whitney

Frank Whitney

Harry Whitney

Jim Whitney

Robert D. Whitney

William Whitney

Victor Whitney

Glenn Wiegel

Bud Widner

Neta Kabel Wigent

Charles Wigent

Ecil Wigent

Nola Wilcoxson

Jack Wilkens

Charles Wilder

Paul Wilkes

Dorothy Wilkens

Wallace Wilkens

Patrick Wilkinson

Ruby Wilkinson

Billy Williams

Frederick Williams

Horace Williams

James Williams

Richard Williams

Roger Williams

Ruben Williams

Clyde Williamson

Gerald Willming

James Willoughby

RickEy Willoughby

Eloise Wilson

Harold Wilson

Jeffory Wilson

Ladd Wilson

Dan L. Winans

Wayne Winans

Ivan Winkel

Jerome Wojtas

Cheryl Wood

Faye Wood

Fred Wood Jr

Fred Wood Sr

George Wood

Kenneth Wood

Morton D. Wood

Richard L. Wood

Ralph Woodard

Henry Woodruff

Rayma Woodruff

Daniel Woodward

Gregg Woodward

Margaret Woodward

William Woodworth

Michael Worley

Bruce Wright

Everett Yancy

Rex Yancy

Clarence Yates

Henry Yates

Richard Yates

Walter Yirchott

Thomas Yore

Daniel Young

E. P. Young

Jimmy Young

Lena Young

Robert Young

Roy Young

S.B. Young

Lela Youngman

Virgil Zachary

Albert Zass

Harold Zehner

Ronald Zenner

Jan Zwolinski

Margaret Zwolinski