World War II
The United States of America avoided the conflict of world events until December 7, 1941 “a date that will live in infamy” according to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a speech before a joint session of Congress. The Senate and the House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously recognizing a state of war against Japan. Germany and Italy were added to the list of enemy nations three days after those countries declared war on the United States.
The US needed men and machines to fight these enemies. The men and women of the United States of America immediately joined various branches of the Military. Women who could not join up, “kept the home fires burning”, either replacing men in factories, working in fields to keep the military well fed or providing moral support to those whose roles in life changed overnight.
The Citizens who served or settled in Watervliet, Bainbridge, Hagar, and Coloma Townships:
North Berrien Veterans
* denotes maiden name that may have changed